Interior Designer Dina Marie Joy, of Dina Marie Joy Designs is one of the most respected interior design firms specializing in Vacation Homes, Staycation Homes, Retirement Homes, Kitchens and Baths.


Full Home Interior Design Available with New Construction and Remodels

In person Consultations available by appointment.

E Design available around the world. 

Meet the Team!!!

Interior Design Dina Marie Joy Company

Natasha - 

Natasha is a Macedonian native that graduated at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia. Seeking her next challenge, after her graduation in architecture, she continued her Master Degree in Architecture in The Netherlands at Eindhoven University of Technology. She lived in Eindhoven the Dutch city of design for almost three years.

Design challenges her in a way that shows her that by patience and persistent's, we can create beautiful things. Her passion is to create beautiful spaces.

Natasha spends her free time exploring mountains hiking. She uses her free time to spend in nature and doing photography from the beautiful landscapes she witnesses.

Things about her:

  • Her favorite place to travel one day is The Rainbow Mountains of Peru.
  • Her favorite Artist is the Japanese Architect Kazuyo Sejima showing the organic flow in architecture.
  • Can’t live without breakfast and coffee in the morning.
Interior Design Dina Marie Joy Company Meet the Team

Natalia - 

Natalia is from Poland. She graduated from Lodz University of Technology in Poland on the branch of Architecture. She had her education on architecture at Polish, Spanish and Turkish Universities. She started to gain experience in design in 2014 and had an opportunity to work on various projects in almost 10 different countries.

She considers Architecture as a skillful space planning that can give style to our lives and motivate us for development. Order, balance and peace- this are the words she never forgets

There isn't much of a “free time” concept in here life since she finds a creative and enjoyable way to fill all those time with activities such as riding a horse, exploring an unpopulated sea shore or attending a wine testing event.

Things about her:

  • Her simple pleasure is eating good food with a good view
  • She can’t live without cats and dogs
  • Her favorite place to spend a week is one of the caves in ancient Cappadocia